British company produces petrol from the fresh air

Air Fuel Synthesi is a small British company which produced the first petrol from air using a revolutionary technology.

According to the company it is one step more to solve the energy crisis, as well as to help to crub global warming by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

AFS has produced five litres of petrol since August, manufacturing gasoline from carbon dioxide and water vapour. “We’ve taken carbon dioxide from air and hydrogen from water and turned these elements into petrol,”Said Peter Harrison, the company’s chief executive.

AFS hopes, that within tow years they will be able to build a larger, commercial-scale plant capable to produce a ton of petrol per day. The company also plans to produce green aviation fuel to make airline travel more carbon-natural.

”It looks and smells like petrol but it’s a much cleaner and clearer product than petrol derived from fossil oil,” said Mr. Harrison.

The process is still new so the company uses electricity hoping it will be possible in the future to use power form renewable sources such as wind farms or tidal barrages.

Read the article “Exclusive: Pioneering scientists turn fresh air into petrol in massive boost in fight against energy crisis” on The Independent

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