Usual winter habits

Winter – what are the associations you can have hearing this word? May be: Christmas, New Year, snow, cold…

Cold! Let’s stop here; I think the cold is a main reason why people in winter get more lazy than they usually are.

During the winter we probably do not exercise as much as during the other season time; We love to sleep more and spend time indoors instead to go out. Probably we also drink less water than it is recommended to. Oh, and probably we love to stay under the hot shower more than usual? (here always remember being eco friendly by consuming less water you can) 🙂

What about food? Do you continue to eat vegetables and fruits or do you eat only sweets? 🙂

It seems winter ”provides” us with enough excuses to ”support” our bad habits.

I found an article about the winter habits, so let’s have a look what it tells us.

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